make fun of - definition of make fun of by The Free Dictionary

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make  (mk)

1. To cause to exist or happen; bring about; create: made problems for us; making a commotion.

2. To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material; construct: make a dress; made a stone wall.

3. To form by assembling individuals or constituents: make a quorum.

4. To change from one form or function to another: make clay into bricks.


a. To cause to be or become: made her position clear; a decision that made him happy.

b. To cause to assume a specified function or role: made her treasurer; made Austin his home.


a. To cause to act in a specified manner: Heat makes gases expand.

b. To compel: made him quit.


a. To form in the mind: make an estimate.

b. To compose: make verses.


a. To prepare; fix: make dinner.

b. To get ready or set in order for use: made the bed.

c. To gather and light the materials for (a fire).


a. To engage in: make war.

b. To carry out; perform: make a phone call; make an incision.

10. To achieve, produce, or attain: made peace between the two sides; not making sense; didn't make the quota.


a. To institute or establish; enact: make laws.

b. To draw up and execute in a suitable form: make a will.

c. To arrange or agree to: make a date.


a. To arrive at; reach: made Seattle in two hours.

b. To reach in time: just made the plane.


a. To attain the rank or position of: made lieutenant.

b. To acquire a place in or on: made the baseball team; made the newspapers.


a. To gain or earn, as by working: make money.

b. To behave so as to acquire: make friends.

c. To score or achieve, as in a sport: made a field goal.


a. To assure the success of: Favorable reviews can make a play.

b. To favor the development of: Practice makes a winning team.

16. To be suited for: Oak makes strong furniture.

17. To develop into: will make a fine doctor.


a. To draw a conclusion as to the significance or nature of: don't know what to make of the decision.

b. To calculate as being; estimate: I make the height 20 feet.

c. To consider as being: wasn't the problem some people made it.


a. To constitute: Ten members make a quorum.

b. To add up to: Two and two make four.

c. To amount to: makes no difference.

20. To cover (a distance): made 200 miles before sunset

21. To constitute the essence or nature of: Clothes make the man.

22. To cause to be especially enjoyable or rewarding: You made my day.

23. To appear to begin (an action): She made to leave.

24. Slang To persuade to have sexual intercourse.


1. To act or behave in a specified manner: make merry; make free.

2. To begin or appear to begin an action: made as if to shake my hand.

3. To cause something to be as specified: make ready; make sure.

4. To proceed in a certain direction: made for home; made after the thief.

5. Slang To pretend to be; imitate. Used with like: made like a ballerina.

6. To undergo fabrication or manufacture: This wool makes up into a warm shawl.

7. To rise or accumulate: The tide is making.


1. The act or process of making; manufacturing.

2. The style or manner in which a thing is made: disliked the make of my coat.

3. The amount produced, especially the output of a factory.

4. A specific line of manufactured goods, identified by the manufacturer's name or the registered trademark: a famous make of shirt.

5. The physical or moral nature of a person; character or disposition: found out what make of man he was.

6. Slang Identification of a person or thing, often from information in police records: Did you get a make on the thief?

Phrasal Verbs:
make for

1. To have or produce (a particular effect or result): small details that make for comfort.

2. To help promote; further: makes for better communication.

make off

To depart in haste; run away.

make out

1. To discern or see, especially with difficulty: I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain.

2. To understand: could not make out what she said.

3. To write out; draw up: made out the invoices.

4. To fill in (a form, for example).

5. Informal To represent as being: made me out to be a liar.

6. Informal To try to establish or prove: He made out that he was innocent.

7. To get along in a given way; fare: made out well in business.

8. Slang

a. To neck; pet.

b. To have sexual intercourse.

make over

1. To redo; renovate.

2. To change or transfer the ownership of, usually by means of a legal document: made over the property to her son.

make up

1. To put together; construct or compose: make up a prescription.

2. To constitute; form: Ten years make up a decade.


a. To alter one's appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics.

b. To apply cosmetics.

4. To devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent: made up an excuse.


a. To make good (a deficit or lack): made up the difference in the bill.

b. To compensate for: make up for lost time.

6. To resolve a quarrel: kissed and made up.

7. To make ingratiating or fawning overtures. Used with to: made up to his friend's boss.

8. To take (an examination or course) again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure.

9. To set in order: make up a room.

10. Printing To select and arrange material for: made up the front page.

make with Slang

1. To bring into use: a flirt making with the eyes.

2. To put forth; produce: always making with the jokes.

make a clean breast of

To confess fully.

make a face

To distort the features of the face; grimace.

make a go of

To achieve success in: have made a go of the business.

make away with

1. To carry off; steal.

2. To use up or consume.

3. To kill or destroy.

make bold

To venture: I will not make so bold as to criticize such a scholar.

make book

To accept bets on a race, game, or contest.

make do

To manage to get along with the means available: had to make do on less income.

make ends meet

To manage so that one's means are sufficient for one's needs.

make fun of

To mock; ridicule.

make good

1. To carry out successfully: made good his escape.

2. To fulfill: made good her promise.

3. To make compensation for; make up for: made good the loss.

4. To succeed: made good as a writer.

make hay

To turn to one's advantage: The candidate's opponents made hay of the scandal.

make heads or tails of

To understand: I couldn't make heads or tails of the report.

make history

To do something memorable or spectacular enough to influence the course of history: The first space flight made history.

make it

1. Informal To achieve a goal; be successful. finally made it as an actor.

2. Slang To have sexual intercourse.

make light of

To treat as unimportant: He made light of his illness.

make love

1. To engage in amorous caressing.

2. To engage in sexual intercourse.

make much of

To treat as of great importance.

make no bones about

To be forthright and candid about; acknowledge freely: They make no bones about their dislike for each other.

make off with

To snatch or steal: made off with the profits.

make (one's) day

To give one great pleasure.

make (one's) peace with

To bring oneself to accept; reconcile oneself to.

make (one's) way

1. To go forward; advance.

2. To succeed, especially in making a living.

make sail

1. To begin a voyage.

2. To set sail.

make sense

1. To be coherent or intelligible: an explanation that made sense.

2. To be practical or advisable: It makes sense to go now.

make something of

To start a fight or quarrel over.

make the grade

To measure up to a given standard.

make the most of

To use to the greatest advantage.

make the scene Slang

1. To put in an appearance: made the scene at the party.

2. To participate in a specified activity: made the drug scene.

make time

1. To travel speedily.

2. To travel at a specified rate: We made good time getting to town.

3. Slang To make progress toward attracting someone: tried to make time with the new neighbor.

make tracks Slang

To move or leave in a hurry.

make up (one's) mind

To decide between alternatives; come to a definite decision or opinion.

make waves Slang

To cause a disturbance or controversy.

make way

1. To give room for passage; move aside.

2. To make progress.

on the make Slang

1. Aggressively striving for financial or social improvement: a young executive on the make.

2. Eagerly seeking a sexual partner.

[Middle English maken, from Old English macian; see mag- in Indo-European roots.]

make (mek)
vb (mainly tr) , makes, making or made

1. to bring into being by shaping, changing, or combining materials, ideas, etc; form or fashion; create: to make a chair from bits of wood; make a poem.

2. to draw up, establish, or form: to make a decision; make one's will.

3. to cause to exist, bring about, or produce: don't make a noise.

4. to cause, compel, or induce: please make him go away.

5. to appoint or assign, as to a rank or position: they made him chairman.

6. to constitute: one swallow doesn't make a summer.

7. (also intr) to come or cause to come into a specified state or condition: to make merry; make someone happy.

8. (copula) to be or become through development: he will make a good teacher.

9. to cause or ensure the success of: your news has made my day.

10. to amount to: twelve inches make a foot.

11. to be part of or a member of: did she make one of the party?.

12. to serve as or be suitable for: that piece of cloth will make a coat.

13. to prepare or put into a fit condition for use: to make a bed.

14. to be the essential element in or part of: charm makes a good salesman.

15. to carry out, effect, or do: to make a gesture.

16. (intr; foll by to, as if to, or as though to) to act with the intention or with a show of doing something: they made to go out; he made as if to hit her.

17. to use for a specified purpose: I will make this town my base.

18. to deliver or pronounce: to make a speech.

19. to judge, reckon, or give one's own opinion or information as to: what time do you make it?.

20. to cause to seem or represent as being: that furniture makes the room look dark.

21. to earn, acquire, or win for oneself: to make friends; make a fortune.

22. to engage in: make love not war.

23. to traverse or cover (distance) by travelling: we can make a hundred miles by nightfall.

24. to arrive in time for: he didn't make the first act of the play.

25. (Card Games) to win a trick with (a specified card)

26. (Card Games) to shuffle (the cards)

27. (Bridge) bridge to fulfil (a contract) by winning the necessary number of tricks

28. (Cricket) cricket to score (runs)

29. (Electronics) electronics to close (a circuit) permitting a flow of current. Compare break44

30. (intr) to increase in depth: the water in the hold was making a foot a minute.

31. (Agriculture) (intr) (of hay) to dry and mature

32. to gain a place or position on or in: to make the headlines; make the first team.

33. to achieve the rank of

34. to seduce

35. (Gambling, except Cards) make a book to take bets on a race or other contest

36. make a day of it to cause an activity to last a day

37. make a night of it to cause an activity to last a night

39. make eyes at to flirt with or ogle

41. (Nautical Terms) make heavy weather nautical to roll and pitch in heavy seas

42. make heavy weather of something to carry something out with great difficulty or unnecessarily great effort

43. make it

a. to be successful in doing something

b. (foll by with) to have sexual intercourse

c. to inject a narcotic drug

44. make like US and Canadian to imitate

45. make love

a. to have sexual intercourse

b. to engage in courtship

46. make love to someone

a. to have sexual intercourse with someone

b. to engage in courtship with someone

47. make or break to bring success or ruin

49. (Physiology) another term for urinate

50. (Nautical Terms) (of a boat, hull, etc) to let in water


51. brand, type, or style: what make of car is that?.

52. the manner or way in which something is made

53. disposition or character; make-up

54. the act or process of making

55. the amount or number made

56. (Bridge) bridge the contract to be played

57. (Card Games) cards a player's turn to shuffle

58. on the make

a. out for profit or conquest

b. in search of a sexual partner

[Old English macian; related to Old Frisian makia to construct, Dutch maken, German machen to make]

makable adj
make (mek)

1. a peer or consort

2. a mate or spouse

[Old English gemaca mate; related to match1]

makeless adj
make (mek)

v. made, making,
n. v.t.

1. to bring into existence by shaping, changing, or combining material: to make a dress.

2. to cause to exist or happen: to make trouble.

3. to cause to become: to make someone happy.

4. to appoint: made her chairwoman.

5. to put in the proper condition or state, as for use; prepare: to make a bed; made dinner.

6. to transform: making a vice into a virtue.

7. to induce; compel: to make them do it.

8. to produce, earn, or win for oneself: to make a good salary.

9. to write; compose: to make a poem.

10. to draft: to make a will.

11. to agree upon; arrange: to make a deal.

12. to establish; enact: to make laws.

13. to become: You'll make a good lawyer.

14. to form in the mind: to make a decision.

15. to judge as to the truth, nature, or meaning of: What do you make of that remark?

16. to estimate; reckon: I make the value at $1000.

17. to put together; form: to make a matched set.

18. to amount to; total: Two plus two makes four.

19. to provide: That book makes good reading.

20. to be sufficient to constitute: One story does not make a writer.

21. to be adequate or suitable for: This table will make a good lectern.

22. to assure the success or fame of: to make someone's reputation.

23. to deliver; utter: to make a stirring speech.

24. to move at a particular speed: to make 60 miles an hour.

25. to reach; attain: didn't quite make 79 before dying.

26. to catch: just made the last plane.

27. to attain a position in or on: The novel made the bestseller list.

28. to receive notice in or on: It made the evening news.

29. Slang. to have sexual intercourse with.


a. to take a trick with (a card).

b. to fulfill (a contract or bid) in bridge.

31. to score: She made 40 points.

32. to close (an electric circuit).


33. to act so as to be what is specified: to make sure.

34. to be made, as specified: This fabric makes into beautiful drapery.

35. to move or proceed in a particular direction: to make after the thief.

36. make away with, to carry off; steal.

37. make for,

a. to move toward.

b. to promote: Calm makes for fewer arguments.

38. make off, to run away.

39. make off with, to steal.

40. make out,

a. to write out or complete, as a bill or check.

b. to perceive the meaning of; fathom.

c. to decipher; discern.

d. to suggest or impute: He made me out to be a liar.

e. to manage; succeed: How are you making out in school?

f. Slang. to engage in kissing and caressing; neck.

g. Slang. to have sexual intercourse.

41. make over,

a. to remodel; alter.

b. to transfer the title of (property).

42. make up,

a. to constitute; compose.

b. to put together; compile.

c. to concoct; invent.

d. to compensate: This will make up for your trouble.

e. to complete.

f. to put in order; arrange: made up the bed.

g. to settle; decide: Make up your mind.

h. to settle amicably.

i. to become reconciled.

j. to dress in costume and makeup.

k. to apply cosmetics.

l. to make good on (something deficient).

m. to arrange typeset and graphic matter for: making up newspaper pages.

43. make up to, to behave ingratiatingly toward.

44. make with, Informal. to employ; use: Stop making with the jokes.


45. the style or manner in which something is made; form.

46. brand: a foreign make of car.

47. disposition; character.

48. the act or process of making.

49. quantity made; output.

50. Slang. identification; description: to get a make on the crook.


1. make as if or as though, Informal. to act as if; pretend.

2. make believe, to pretend; imagine.

3. make do, to manage with whatever is available.

4. make good,

a. to succeed.

b. to provide payment or redress for.

c. to accomplish successfully.

d. Also, make good on. to fulfill, as a promise.

5. make it, to achieve success.

6. make light of, to treat as insignificant.

7. make like, Informal. to pretend to be or to be like: to make like a clown.

8. make much of,

a. to treat as significant.

b. to be attentive to.

9. make short work of, to finish or dispose of quickly.

10. on the make,

a. in pursuit of social, professional, or financial gain.

b. Slang. in search of amorous or sexual activity.

[before 900; Middle English; Old English macian, c. Old Frisian makia, Old Saxon makn, Old High German mahhn]

makable, makeable, adj.

brand make
1. 'brand'

A brand is a product that has its own name, and is made by a particular company. You usually use brand to talk about things that you buy in shops, such as food, drink, and clothes.

This is my favourite brand of cereal.

I bought one of the leading brands.

2. 'make'

Don't confuse brand with make. You use make to talk about the names of products such as machines or cars, which last for a long time.

This is a very popular make of bike.

Be Careful!
Don't use the plural form of a noun after brand of or make of. For example, don't talk about 'a make of vehicles'. Say 'a make of vehicle'.

Be Careful!
Don't talk about the 'mark' of a product. For example, don't say 'What mark of coffee do you drink?' Say 'What brand of coffee do you drink?' Don't say 'What mark of car do you drive?' Say 'What make of car do you drive?'


Make is a very common verb which is used in many different ways. The past tense and -ed participle of make is made.

1. performing an action

Make is most often used to say that someone performs an action. For example, if someone suggests something, you can say that they make a suggestion. If someone promises something, you can say that they make a promise.

I think that I made the wrong decision.

He made a short speech.

Here is a list of common nouns that you can use with make in this way:


Don't use 'make' when you are talking generally about action, rather than referring to a particular action. Instead use do. For example, if you are unsure what action to take, don't say 'I don't know what to make'. Say 'I don't know what to do'.

What are you going to do at the weekend?

You've done a lot to help us.

2. making an object or substance

If you make an object or substance, you construct or produce it.

Asha makes all her own clothes.

They make furniture out of recycled plastic.

You can also say that someone makes a meal or a drink.

I made some breakfast.

When make is used to talk about constructing or producing something, it can have an indirect object. You say that you make someone something, or make something for them.

I'll make you a drink.

She made a copy for her colleague.

3. making someone do something

If someone forces you to do something, you can say that they make you do it.

You've got to make him listen.

Mom made us clean up the mess.

Be Careful!
In active sentences like these, don't use a to-infinitive after make. Don't say, for example, 'You've got to make him to listen'.

However, in passive sentences you must use a to-infinitive.

They were made to pay for the damage.

One woman was made to wait more than an hour.

4. used to mean 'be'

Make is sometimes used instead of 'be' to say how successful someone is in a particular job or role. For example, instead of saying 'He will be a good prime minister', you can say 'He will make a good prime minister'.

You'll make a great teacher.

They made a good team.

mark make
1. 'mark'

A mark is a small stain or damaged area on a surface.

...grease marks.

There seems to be a dirty mark on it.

A mark is also a number or letter which indicates your score in a test or examination.

You need 120 marks out of 200 to pass.

Note that in American English, the word for this is usually points.

I got 30 points on the test out of 60.

Mark sometimes appears in the name of a vehicle or machine, followed by a number.

...his Mark II Ford Cortina.

2. 'make'

However, you do not refer to a type of product as a 'mark'. If you want to indicate which company makes a product, you use the noun make.

She couldn't tell what make of car he was driving.

See make

Past participle: made
Gerund: making

I make
you make
he/she/it makes
we make
you make
they make
I made
you made
he/she/it made
we made
you made
they made
Present Continuous
I am making
you are making
he/she/it is making
we are making
you are making
they are making
Present Perfect
I have made
you have made
he/she/it has made
we have made
you have made
they have made
Past Continuous
I was making
you were making
he/she/it was making
we were making
you were making
they were making
Past Perfect
I had made
you had made
he/she/it had made
we had made
you had made
they had made
I will make
you will make
he/she/it will make
we will make
you will make
they will make
Future Perfect
I will have made
you will have made
he/she/it will have made
we will have made
you will have made
they will have made
Future Continuous
I will be making
you will be making
he/she/it will be making
we will be making
you will be making
they will be making
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been making
you have been making
he/she/it has been making
we have been making
you have been making
they have been making
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been making
you will have been making
he/she/it will have been making
we will have been making
you will have been making
they will have been making
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been making
you had been making
he/she/it had been making
we had been making
you had been making
they had been making
I would make
you would make
he/she/it would make
we would make
you would make
they would make
Past Conditional
I would have made
you would have made
he/she/it would have made
we would have made
you would have made
they would have made

Thesaurus Legend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms

Noun1.make - a recognizable kindmake - a recognizable kind; "there's a new brand of hero in the movies now"; "what make of car is that?"
kind, sort, form, variety - a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality; "sculpture is a form of art"; "what kinds of desserts are there?"
2.make - the act of mixing cards haphazardlymake - the act of mixing cards haphazardly
riffle - shuffling by splitting the pack and interweaving the two halves at their corners
Verb1.make - engage in; "make love, not war"; "make an effort"; "do research"; "do nothing"; "make revolution"
make - perform or carry out; "make a decision"; "make a move"; "make advances"; "make a phone call"
overdo, exaggerate - do something to an excessive degree; "He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups"
2.make - give certain properties to something; "get someone mad"; "She made us look silly"; "He made a fool of himself at the meeting"; "Don't make this into a big deal"; "This invention will make you a millionaire"; "Make yourself clear"
render - cause to become; "The shot rendered her immobile"
get, let, have - cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition; "He got his squad on the ball"; "This let me in for a big surprise"; "He got a girl into trouble"
alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
leave - act or be so as to become in a specified state; "The inflation left them penniless"; "The president's remarks left us speechless"
3.make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
procreate, reproduce, multiply - have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant; "The Bible tells people to procreate"
regenerate - form or produce anew; "regenerate hatred"
clear - make a way or path by removing objects; "Clear a path through the dense forest"
distil, distill, extract - extract by the process of distillation; "distill the essence of this compound"
educe, derive - develop or evolve from a latent or potential state
spume, suds, froth - make froth or foam and become bubbly; "The river foamed"
puncture - make by piercing; "puncture a hole"
twine - make by twisting together or intertwining; "twine a rope"
cleave - make by cutting into; "The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock"
institute, bring - advance or set forth in court; "bring charges", "institute proceedings"
re-create - create anew; "Re-create the boom of the West on a small scale"
grind - created by grinding; "grind designs into the glass bowl"
bring forth, generate - bring into existence; "The new manager generated a lot of problems"; "The computer bug generated chaos in the office"; "The computer generated this image"; "The earthquake generated a tsunami"
yield, give - cause to happen or be responsible for; "His two singles gave the team the victory"
make for, wreak, bring, work, play - cause to happen or to occur as a consequence; "I cannot work a miracle"; "wreak havoc"; "bring comments"; "play a joke"; "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area"
bring up, call down, conjure, conjure up, invoke, call forth, put forward, arouse, evoke, stir, raise - summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mountain"
create, make - create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses"
cause, do, make - give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally; "cause a commotion"; "make a stir"; "cause an accident"
establish, give - bring about; "The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth"
turn in, put on - carry out (performances); "They turned in a splendid effort"; "They turned in top jobs for the second straight game"
bear, turn out - bring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"; "The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers"
build, construct, make - make by combining materials and parts; "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"
build, establish - build or establish something abstract; "build a reputation"
style - make consistent with a certain fashion or style; "Style my hair"; "style the dress"
strike - produce by ignition or a blow; "strike fire from the flintstone"; "strike a match"
4.make - cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner; "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa"
decide - cause to decide; "This new development finally decided me!"
persuade - cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebody's arm; "You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!"
bring - induce or persuade; "The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well"
solicit - incite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination; "He was accused of soliciting his colleagues to destroy the documents"
encourage - spur on; "His financial success encouraged him to look for a wife"
let - actively cause something to happen; "I let it be known that I was not interested"
lead - cause to undertake a certain action; "Her greed led her to forge the checks"
suborn - induce to commit perjury or give false testimony; "The President tried to suborn false witnesses"
compel, obligate, oblige - force somebody to do something; "We compel all students to fill out this form"
5.make - give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally; "cause a commotion"; "make a stir"; "cause an accident"
create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
initiate, pioneer - take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of; "This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants"
make - compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way; "People cannot be made to integrate just by passing a law!"; "Heat makes you sweat"
impel, force - urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate
facilitate - increase the likelihood of (a response); "The stimulus facilitates a delayed impulse"
6.make - create or manufacture a man-made productmake - create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"
breed - cause to procreate (animals); "She breeds dogs"
prefabricate - produce synthetically, artificially, or stereotypically and unoriginally
underproduce - produce below capacity or demand; "The East German factories were underproducing for many years"
output - to create or manufacture a specific amount; "the computer is outputting the data from the job I'm running"
pulse, pulsate - produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses; "pulse waves"; "a transmitter pulsed by an electronic tube"
dummy, dummy up - make a dummy of; "dummy up the books that are to be published"
turn out - produce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery; "This factory turns out saws"
machine - make by machinery; "The Americans were machining while others still hand-made cars"
churn out - produce something at a fast rate; "He churns out papers, but they are all about the same topic"
overproduce - produce in excess; "The country overproduces cars"
elaborate - produce from basic elements or sources; change into a more developed product; "The bee elaborates honey"
put out - put out considerable effort; "He put out the same for seven managers"
laminate - create laminate by bonding sheets of material with a bonding material
bootleg - produce or distribute illegally; "bootleg tapes of the diva's singing"
generate - produce (energy); "We can't generate enough power for the entire city"; "The hydroelectric plant needs to generate more electricity"
generate, yield, render, give, return - give or supply; "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family"
create, make - create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses"
smelt - extract (metals) by heating
reproduce - make a copy or equivalent of; "reproduce the painting"
preassemble, prefabricate - to manufacture sections of (a building), especially in a factory, so that they can be easily transported to and rapidly assembled on a building site of buildings
print, publish - put into print; "The newspaper published the news of the royal couple's divorce"; "These news should not be printed"
proof - make or take a proof of, such as a photographic negative, an etching, or typeset
burn, cut - create by duplicating data; "cut a disk"; "burn a CD"
7.make - make, formulate, or derive in the mind; "I draw a line here"; "draw a conclusion"; "draw parallels"; "make an estimate"; "What do you make of his remarks?"
make - calculate as being; "I make the height about 100 feet"
8.make - compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain waymake - compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way; "People cannot be made to integrate just by passing a law!"; "Heat makes you sweat"
cause, do, make - give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally; "cause a commotion"; "make a stir"; "cause an accident"
drive - compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment; "She finally drove him to change jobs"
9.make - create by artistic meansmake - create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses"
create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
do, make - create or design, often in a certain way; "Do my room in blue"; "I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest"
produce, create, make - create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"
design - create the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner; "Chanel designed the famous suit"
design - create designs; "Dupont designs for the house of Chanel"
10.make - earn on some commercial or business transactionmake - earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"
make - act in a certain way so as to acquire; "make friends"; "make enemies"
acquire, get - come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work"
squeeze out, eke out - make by laborious and precarious means; "He eked out a living as a painter"
turn a profit, profit - make a profit; gain money or materially; "The company has not profited from the merger"
rake off - take money from an illegal transaction
take home, bring home - earn as a salary or wage; "How much does your wife take home after taxes and other deductions?"
rake in, shovel in - earn large sums of money; "Since she accepted the new position, she has been raking it in"
gross - earn before taxes, expenses, etc.
pay, bear, yield - bring in; "interest-bearing accounts"; "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
11.make - create or design, often in a certain waymake - create or design, often in a certain way; "Do my room in blue"; "I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest"
create, make - create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses"
12.make - to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting"; "The branches made a roof"; "This makes a fine introduction"
constitute, make up, comprise, be, represent - form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army"
chelate - form a chelate, in chemistry
add - constitute an addition; "This paper will add to her reputation"
13.make - reach a goal, e.g., "make the first team"; "We made it!"; "She may not make the grade"
14.make - be or be capable of being changed or made into; "He makes a great host"; "He will make a fine father"
become - come into existence; "What becomes has duration"
15.make - make by shaping or bringing together constituentsmake - make by shaping or bringing together constituents; "make a dress"; "make a cake"; "make a wall of stones"
compile, compose - put together out of existing material; "compile a list"
compile - use a computer program to translate source code written in a particular programming language into computer-readable machine code that can be executed
fabricate, manufacture, construct - put together out of artificial or natural components or parts; "the company fabricates plastic chairs"; "They manufacture small toys"; He manufactured a popular cereal"
fashion, forge - make out of components (often in an improvising manner); "She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks"
cooper - make barrels and casks
16.make - perform or carry out; "make a decision"; "make a move"; "make advances"; "make a phone call"
perform, do, execute - carry out or perform an action; "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"; "the skater executed a triple pirouette"; "she did a little dance"
pay - render; "pay a visit"; "pay a call"
do, make - engage in; "make love, not war"; "make an effort"; "do research"; "do nothing"; "make revolution"
17.make - make by combining materials and partsmake - make by combining materials and parts; "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"
revet - construct a revetment
create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
dry-wall - construct with drywall; "dry-wall the basement of the house"
lock - build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels
wattle - build of or with wattle
groin - build with groins; "The ceiling was groined"
cantilever - construct with girders and beams such that only one end is fixed; "Frank Lloyd Wright liked to cantilever his buildings"
build - be engaged in building; "These architects build in interesting and new styles"
corduroy - build (a road) from logs laid side by side
channelise, channelize - make a channel for; provide with a channel; "channelize the country for better transportation"
18.make - change from one form into anothermake - change from one form into another; "make water into wine"; "make lead into gold"; "make clay into bricks"
alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
19.make - act in a certain way so as to acquire; "make friends"; "make enemies"
behave, act, do - behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Don't behave like a fool"; "What makes her do this way?"; "The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people"
earn, realise, pull in, bring in, realize, gain, make, take in, clear - earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"
get, have, make - achieve a point or goal; "Nicklaus had a 70"; "The Brazilian team got 4 goals"; "She made 29 points that day"
20.make - charge with a function; charge to be; "She was named Head of the Committee"; "She was made president of the club"
rename - name again or anew; "He was renamed Minister of the Interior"
appoint, charge - assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to; "He was appointed deputy manager"; "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance"
21.make - achieve a point or goal; "Nicklaus had a 70"; "The Brazilian team got 4 goals"; "She made 29 points that day"
make - act in a certain way so as to acquire; "make friends"; "make enemies"
rack up, score, tally, hit - gain points in a game; "The home team scored many times"; "He hit a home run"; "He hit .300 in the past season"
22.make - reach a destination, either real or abstractmake - reach a destination, either real or abstract; "We hit Detroit by noon"; "The water reached the doorstep"; "We barely made it to the finish line"; "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"
catch up - reach the point where one should be after a delay; "I caught up on my homework"
surmount, scale - reach the highest point of; "We scaled the Mont Blanc"
get at, access - reach or gain access to; "How does one access the attic in this house?"; "I cannot get to the T.V. antenna, even if I climb on the roof"
bottom out - reach the low point; "Prices bottomed out and started to rise again after a while"
peak, top out - to reach the highest point; attain maximum intensity, activity; "That wild, speculative spirit peaked in 1929";"Bids for the painting topped out at $50 million"
summit, breast - reach the summit (of a mountain); "They breasted the mountain"; "Many mountaineers go up Mt. Everest but not all summit"
top - reach or ascend the top of; "The hikers topped the mountain just before noon"
make - reach in time; "We barely made the plane"
find - succeed in reaching; arrive at; "The arrow found its mark"
culminate - reach the highest altitude or the meridian, of a celestial body
come through, get through - succeed in reaching a real or abstract destination after overcoming problems; "We finally got through the bureaucracy and could talk to the Minister"
23.make - institute, enact, or establish; "make laws"
set, mark - establish as the highest level or best performance; "set a record"
create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
24.make - carry out or commit; "make a mistake"; "commit a faux-pas"
commit, perpetrate, pull - perform an act, usually with a negative connotation; "perpetrate a crime"; "pull a bank robbery"
25.make - form by assembling individuals or constituents; "Make a quorum"
get together, assemble, gather - get people together; "assemble your colleagues"; "get together all those who are interested in the project"; "gather the close family members"
make - add up to; "four and four make eight"
26.make - organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception"; "have, throw, or make a party"; "give a course"
27.make - put in order or neatenmake - put in order or neaten; "make the bed"; "make up a room"
make - gather and light the materials for; "make a fire"
28.make - head into a specified direction; "The escaped convict took to the hills"; "We made for the mountains"
head - to go or travel towards; "where is she heading"; "We were headed for the mountains"
29.make - have a bowel movement; "The dog had made in the flower beds"
make water, micturate, pass water, pee, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, take a leak, piss, wee, wee-wee, urinate, piddle, puddle, make - eliminate urine; "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug"
dung - defecate; used of animals
30.make - undergo fabrication or creationmake - undergo fabrication or creation; "This wool makes into a nice sweater"
change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"
31.make - be suitable for; "Wood makes good furniture"
be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
32.make - add up tomake - add up to; "four and four make eight"
arithmetic - the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations
make - form by assembling individuals or constituents; "Make a quorum"
make - amount to; "This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living"
33.make - amount to; "This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living"
amount - be tantamount or equivalent to; "Her action amounted to a rebellion"
make - add up to; "four and four make eight"
34.make - constitute the essence of; "Clothes make the man"
constitute, make up, comprise, be, represent - form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army"
35.make - appear to begin an activity; "He made to speak but said nothing in the end"; "She made as if to say hello to us"
appear, seem, look - give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect; "She seems to be sleeping"; "This appears to be a very difficult problem"; "This project looks fishy"; "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time"
36.make - proceed along a path; "work one's way through the crowd"; "make one's way into the forest"
claw - move as if by clawing, seizing, or digging; "They clawed their way to the top of the mountain"
jostle - make one's way by jostling, pushing, or shoving; "We had to jostle our way to the front of the platform"
go across, pass, go through - go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind"
bushwhack - cut one's way through the woods or bush
work - proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity; "work your way through every problem or task"; "She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived"; "Start from the bottom and work towards the top"
37.make - reach in time; "We barely made the plane"
arrive at, reach, attain, gain, hit, make - reach a destination, either real or abstract; "We hit Detroit by noon"; "The water reached the doorstep"; "We barely made it to the finish line"; "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"
38.make - gather and light the materials for; "make a fire"
make up, make - put in order or neaten; "make the bed"; "make up a room"
ready, prepare, cook, fix, make - prepare for eating by applying heat; "Cook me dinner, please"; "can you make me an omelette?"; "fix breakfast for the guests, please"
39.make - prepare for eating by applying heatmake - prepare for eating by applying heat; "Cook me dinner, please"; "can you make me an omelette?"; "fix breakfast for the guests, please"
preserve, keep - prevent (food) from rotting; "preserved meats"; "keep potatoes fresh"
dress out, dress - kill and prepare for market or consumption; "dress a turkey"
deglaze - dissolve cooking juices or solid food in (a pan) by adding liquid and stirring
escallop, scallop - bake in a sauce, milk, etc., often with breadcrumbs on top
flambe - pour liquor over and ignite (a dish)
put on - put on the stove or ready for cooking; "put on the tea, please!"
devil - coat or stuff with a spicy paste; "devilled eggs"
precook - cook beforehand so that the actual preparation won't take long; "precook the rice"
cook up, concoct - prepare or cook by mixing ingredients; "concoct a strange mixture"
lard - prepare or cook with lard; "lard meat"
make - gather and light the materials for; "make a fire"
40.make - induce to have sex; "Harry finally seduced Sally"; "Did you score last night?"; "Harry made Sally"
persuade - cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebody's arm; "You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!"
seduce - lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct; "She was seduced by the temptation of easy money and started to work in a massage parlor"
41.make - assure the success of; "A good review by this critic will make your play!"
break - cause the failure or ruin of; "His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage"; "This play will either make or break the playwright"
42.make - represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act likemake - represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like; "She makes like an actress"
go through the motions - pretend to do something by acting as if one was really doing it; "She isn't really working--she's just going through the motions"
act, play, represent - play a role or part; "Gielgud played Hamlet"; "She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role"; "She played the servant to her husband's master"
43.make - consider as being; "It wasn't the problem some people made it"
consider, regard, view, reckon, see - deem to be; "She views this quite differently from me"; "I consider her to be shallow"; "I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do"
make - calculate as being; "I make the height about 100 feet"
44.make - calculate as being; "I make the height about 100 feet"
make - consider as being; "It wasn't the problem some people made it"
draw, make - make, formulate, or derive in the mind; "I draw a line here"; "draw a conclusion"; "draw parallels"; "make an estimate"; "What do you make of his remarks?"
45.make - cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable; "make my day"
alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
46.make - favor the development of; "Practice makes the winner"
develop - generate gradually; "We must develop more potential customers"; "develop a market for the new mobile phone"
47.make - develop into; "He will make a splendid father!"
grow, develop - grow emotionally or mature; "The child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten"; "When he spent a summer at camp, the boy grew noticeably and no longer showed some of his old adolescent behavior"
48.make - behave in a certain way; "make merry"
behave, act, do - behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Don't behave like a fool"; "What makes her do this way?"; "The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people"
49.make - eliminate urinemake - eliminate urine; "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug"
make water, micturate, pass water, pee, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, take a leak, piss, wee, wee-wee, urinate, piddle, puddle
urinate - pass after the manner of urine; "The sick men urinated blood"
wet - make one's bed or clothes wet by urinating; "This eight year old boy still wets his bed"
stale - urinate, of cattle and horses

1. produce, cause, create, effect, lead to, occasion, generate, bring about, give rise to, engender, beget The crash made a noise like a building coming down.
6. force, cause, press, compel, drive, require, oblige, induce, railroad (informal), constrain, coerce, impel, dragoon, pressurize, prevail upon You can't make me do anything.
7. appoint, name, select, elect, invest, install, nominate, assign, designate, hire as, cast as, employ as, ordain, vote in as, recruit as, engage as, enlist as They made him transport minister.
8. create, build, produce, manufacture, form, model, fashion, shape, frame, construct, assemble, compose, forge, mould, put together, originate, fabricate They now make cars at two plants in Europe.
12. earn, get, gain, net, win, clear, secure, realize, obtain, acquire, bring in, take in, fetch How much money did we make?
13. be, become, form, represent, serve as, come to be, embody, develop into, grow into, act as, function as She'll make a good actress, if she gets the training. Your idea will make a good book.
14. amount to, total, constitute, add up to, count as, tot up to (informal) They are adding three aircraft carriers. That makes six in all.
15. gain a place in, achieve a place in, get into, attain a place in The athletes are just happy to make the British team.
16. get to, reach, catch, arrive at, meet, arrive in time for We made the train, jumping aboard just as it was pulling out. We have to make New Orleans by nightfall.
17. calculate, judge, estimate, determine, think, suppose, reckon, work out, compute, gauge, count up, put a figure on I make the total for the year as £69,599.
1. brand, sort, style, model, build, form, mark, kind, type, variety, construction, marque What make of car did he rent?
make away or off with something steal, nick (slang, chiefly Brit.), pinch (informal), nab (informal), carry off, swipe (slang), knock off (slang), trouser (slang), pilfer, cart off (slang), purloin, filch They tied her up and made away with £2000.

make for something

1. head for, aim for, head towards, set out for, be bound for, make a beeline for, steer (a course) for, proceed towards He rose from his seat and made for the door.
3. succeed, be successful, prosper, be a success, arrive (informal), get on, make good, cut it (informal), get ahead, make the grade (informal), crack it (informal), make it big, get somewhere, distinguish yourself I have the talent to make it.
make off flee, clear out (informal), abscond, fly, bolt, decamp, hook it (slang), do a runner (slang), run for it (informal), slope off, cut and run (informal), beat a hasty retreat, fly the coop (U.S. & Canad. informal), make away, skedaddle (informal), take a powder (U.S. & Canad. slang), take to your heels, run away or off They broke free and made off in a stolen car.

make out

2. make love, have sex, fuck (taboo slang), shag (taboo slang), do it (Brit. informal), neck (informal), pet, screw (taboo slang), caress, hump (taboo slang), kiss and cuddle, smooch (informal), bonk (Brit. informal), copulate (formal), canoodle (informal), fornicate (archaic) pictures of the couple making out on the beach

make something out

1. see, observe, distinguish, perceive, recognize, detect, glimpse, pick out, discern, catch sight of, espy, descry I could just make out a tall pale figure.
2. understand, see, work out, grasp, perceive, follow, realize, comprehend, fathom, decipher, suss (out) (slang), get the drift of It's hard to make out what criteria are used.
4. pretend, claim, suggest, maintain, declare, allege, hint, imply, intimate, assert, insinuate, let on, make as if They were trying to make out that I'd done it.
make something up invent, create, construct, compose, write, frame, manufacture, coin, devise, hatch, originate, formulate, dream up, fabricate, concoct, cook up (informal), trump up She made up stories about him.

make up for something

make up to someone (Informal) flirt with, be all over, come on to, chase after, court, pursue, woo, run after, chat up (informal), curry favour with, make overtures to, make eyes at She watched as her best friend made up to the man she herself loved.
make up your mind decide, choose, determine, settle on, resolve, make a decision about, come to a decision about, reach a decision about He had already made up his mind which side he was on.

"God has given you one face, and you make yourselves another" [William Shakespeare Hamlet]
"Most women are not so young as they are painted" [Max Beerbohm]


make [mek] (made (pt, pp))

When make is part of a set combination, eg make an attempt, make a bow, make a case, make sure, look up the other word.

1. (= create, prepare) [+ fire, bed, tea, will, remark, plan, suggestion] hacer; [+ dress] hacer, confeccionar; [+ shelter] construir; [+ meal] hacer, preparar; [+ record] grabar; [+ film] rodar; (= manufacture) [+ tool, machine] fabricar, hacer
I'm going to make a cake voy a hacer un pastel
I make my bed every morning me hago la cama cada mañana
he made it himself lo hizo él mismo
God made man Dios hizo al hombre
don't make a noise no hagas ruido
"made in Spain" [+ tool, machine] "fabricado en España"; [+ dress] "confeccionado en España"; [+ nougat, chocolate] "elaborado en España"
he's as cunning as they make 'em es de lo más astuto que hay
this car isn't made to carry eight people este coche no está pensado para ocho personas
they don't make songs like that any more ya no componen canciones como las de antes
they were made for each other estaban hechos el uno para el otro
her shoes weren't made for walking llevaba unos zapatos poco adecuados para caminar
we had the curtains made to measure nos hicieron las cortinas a medida
it's made of gold es de oro, está hecho de oro
see also show B4
5. (= say, agree) let's make it 9 o'clock pongamos las 9
another beer, please, no, make that two otra cerveza por favor, no, que sean dos
8. (= equal) two and two make four dos y dos son cuatro
this one makes 20 con éste son or hacen 20
how much does that make (altogether)? ¿a cuánto sube(en total)?
8 pints make a gallon 8 pintas hacen or son un galón
9. (= calculate) calcular
what do you make the total? ¿cuánto calculas que es el total?
how many do you make it? ¿cuántos calculas que hay?
I make the total 17 calculo que hay 17 en total
what time do you make it; what do you make the time? ¿qué hora tienes?
I make it 6 o'clock yo tengo las 6

make for VI + PREP

make out

B. VI + ADV (= get on) (with person) llevarse
how do you make out with your neighbours? ¿cómo te llevas con tus vecinos?
how did you make out at the audition? ¿qué tal te fue en la audición?
how are you making out on your pension? ¿cómo te las arreglas con la pensión?
to make out with sb (US) (sexually) hacérselo con algn

make over VT + ADV

make up

5. (= decide)
to make up one's mind decidirse

make [mek]
vt [made] (pt, pp)
(= equal) faire
2 and 2 make 4 Deux et deux font quatre.
(time) what time do you make it? quelle heure avez-vous?
I make it two minutes past three j'ai trois heures deux
(= arrive) to make it y arriver
We made it with a minute or two to spare On y est arrivé avec une ou deux minutes d'avance.
So you did make it to America, after all? Alors, tu y es arrivé aux Etats-Unis, finalement?
(= decipher) [+ writing] déchiffrer
I can't make out the address on the label Je n'arrive pas à déchiffrer l'adresse sur l'étiquette.
vi se réconcilier
They had a quarrel, but soon made up Ils se sont disputés, mais se sont vite réconciliés.
to make up with sb se réconcilier avec qn
(with cosmetics) se maquiller, se farder

make up for

vt fus (= provide compensation for) [+ stress, loss] compenser
What the country lacks in natural resources it makes up for in bright ideas
BUT Le pays compense son manque de ressources naturelles par des idées brillantes.

make up to

vt sep
to make it up to sb
I'll make it up to you, I promise Je te revaudrai ça, je te promets.
make-believe [mekbliv]
a make-believe world un monde d'illusions
make-or-break make or break [mekrbrek] adj [issue, game, meeting] décisif/ive
it's make or break time (= the decisive moment) c'est le moment décisif

make vb: pret, ptp
= do, execute bow, journey, mistake, attempt, plan, remarks, suggestions etc machen; speech halten; choice, arrangements treffen; decision fällen, treffen; to make an application sich bewerben; to make a guess raten; to make somebody a present of something jdm etw schenken, jdm etw zum Geschenk machen (geh)
= cause to do or happen lassen, (dazu) bringen; (= compel to do) zwingen
? to make sb do sth (= cause to do) jdn dazu bringen or veranlassen (geh), etw zu tun; (= compel to do) jdn zwingen, etw zu tun; to make somebody laugh jdn zum Lachen bringen; what made you come to this town? was hat Sie dazu veranlasst, in diese Stadt zu kommen?; what makes you say that? warum sagst du das?; what makes you think you can do it? was macht Sie glauben, dass Sie es schaffen können?; it all makes me think that das alles lässt mich denken, dass ; how can I make you understand? wie kann ich es Ihnen verständlich machen?; that certainly made him think again das hat ihm bestimmt zu denken gegeben; what will make you change your mind? was wird Sie dazu bringen, Ihre Meinung zu ändern?; what finally made me drop the idea was was mich am Ende dazu veranlasst hat, den Gedanken fallen zu lassen, war ; he makes his heroine die er lässt seine Heldin sterben; her conduct made him seem polite by comparison im Vergleich zu ihrem Verhalten machte er einen höflichen Eindruck; Ill make him suffer for this dafür soll er mir büßen!; you cant make me! mich kann keiner zwingen!; make me! (challenging) versuch mal, mich zu zwingen!; Ill make him! den zwing ich!
? to make sth do sth what makes the engine go? was treibt den Motor an?, wie wird der Motor angetrieben?; what made it explode? was hat die Explosion bewirkt?; onions make your eyes water von Zwiebeln tränen einem die Augen; it makes the room look smaller es lässt den Raum kleiner wirken; the chemical makes the plant grow faster die Chemikalie bewirkt, dass die Pflanze schneller wächst; that made the cloth shrink dadurch ging der Stoff ein; that will make the pain go das wird den Schmerz vertreiben; I wish I could make the rain stop wenn ich nur machen (inf) or bewirken könnte, dass der Regen aufhört; if I could make your problems disappear wenn ich (nur) Ihre Probleme beseitigen könnte; you cant make things happen man kann den Lauf der Dinge nicht erzwingen
? to make do to make do with something sich mit etw begnügen; to make do with less money/on a small income mit weniger Geld/einem niedrigen Gehalt auskommen
= earn money verdienen; profit, loss, fortune machen (on bei); reputation sich (dat) verschaffen; to make a name for oneself sich (dat) einen Namen machen; how much do you stand to make? wie viel verdienst du (dabei)?, was bringt dir das ein? (inf)
= reach, achieve schaffen, erreichen; train, plane etc erwischen (inf), schaffen; connection schaffen; summit, top, shore etc es schaffen zu; (ship) 20 knots machen; to make land (Naut) anlegen; to make port (Naut) in den Hafen einlaufen; we made good time wir kamen schnell voran; sorry I couldnt make your party last night tut mir leid, ich habe es gestern Abend einfach nicht zu deiner Party geschafft; his first record didnt make the charts seine erste Platte schaffte es nicht bis in die Hitparade; well never make the airport in time wir kommen garantiert nicht rechtzeitig zum Flughafen; he made colonel in one year er brachte es in einem Jahr zum Obersten; he made university/the first team er schaffte es, an die Universität/in die erste Mannschaft zu kommen; the story made the front page die Geschichte kam auf die Titelseite
? to make it (= succeed) es schaffen, es zu etwas bringen; he just made it er hat es gerade noch geschafft; weve made it! wir haben es geschafft!; hell never make it through the winter (= survive) er wird den Winter nie überstehen
? to make it (with sb) (inf: = have sex) mit jdm schlafen; they were making it all night sie liebten sich die ganze Nacht
? to make good to make good as a writer es als Schriftsteller(in) schaffen or zu etwas bringen; he is a poor boy made good er ist ein armer Junge, der es zu etwas gebracht hat
= equal sein, (er)geben; 2 plus 2 makes 4 2 und 2 ist 4; 1760 yards make 1 mile 1760 Yards sind eine Meile; that makes £55 you owe me Sie schulden mir damit (nun) £ 55; how much does that make altogether? was macht das insgesamt?
= reckon distance, total schätzen auf (+acc); I make the total 107 ich komme auf 107
? to make it + time, date, figure what time do you make it? wie spät hast du es?, wie spät ist es bei dir?; I make it 3.15 ich habe 3.15 Uhr, auf meiner Uhr ist es 3.15 Uhr; I make it 3 miles ich schätze 3 Meilen; how many do you make it? wie viele sind es nach deiner Zählung?; shall we make it 7 oclock? (= agree) sagen wir 7 Uhr?; lets make it Monday sagen wir Montag
= brand Marke f, Fabrikat nt; what make of car do you have? welche (Auto)marke fahren Sie?; its a good make das ist eine gute Marke; these are my own make die sind selbst gemacht, die sind Eigenfabrikat (hum)

? on the make (pej inf, for profit) profitgierig (inf), auf Profit aus; (= ambitious) karrieresüchtig (inf), auf Karriere aus; (sexually) sexhungrig (inf), auf sexuelle Abenteuer aus
? make away vi = make off
? make away with vi +prep obj to make away with somebody jdn beseitigen or umbringen; to make away with oneself sich umbringen
? make for vi +prep obj
? make of vi +prep obj halten von; I didnt make much of it ich konnte nicht viel dabei finden; well, what do you make of that? nun, was halten Sie davon?, was sagen Sie dazu?; dont make too much of it überbewerten Sie es nicht
? make off vi sich davonmachen (with sth mit etw)
? make out vt sep vi
? make over vt sep
? make up vt sep vi
? make up for vi +prep obj to make up for something etw ausgleichen; to make up for lost time verlorene Zeit aufholen; to make up for the loss of somebody/lack of something jdn/etw ersetzen; that still doesnt make up for the fact that you were very rude das macht noch lange nicht ungeschehen, dass du sehr unhöflich warst
? make up to vi +prep obj (inf) sich heranmachen an (+acc)
? make with vi +prep obj (US inf) he started making with his trumpet er legte mit seiner Trompete los (inf); OK, lets make with the paint brushes na dann, schnappen wir uns die Pinsel (inf); just make with the scissors mach schon los mit der Schere (inf)

make [mek] (made (pt, pp))
1. vt
g. (equal, constitute) fare
2 and 2 make 4 2 più 2 fa 4
that makes 20 questo fa 20
does that book make good reading? è un libro interessante?
these records make a set questi dischi formano un set
he made a good husband è stato un buon marito
h. (estimate) how far do you make it to the village? quanto pensi che ci sia da qui al paese?
what time do you make it? - I make it 6 o'clock che ora fai? - io faccio le 6
what do you make of this? cosa pensi che voglia dire questo?
what do you make of him? che te ne pare di lui?
2. vi
b. to make as if to do sth fare (come) per fare qc

make for vi + prep

make out

make out with vi + adv + prep (fam) to make out with sb farsi qn
did you make out with her, then? sei poi riuscito a fartela?

make up

1. vt + adv
f. (constitute) comporre
to be made up of essere composto/a di or formato/a da

make (meik) past tense, past participle made (meid) verb

1. to create, form or produce. God made the Earth; She makes all her own clothes; He made it out of paper; to make a muddle/mess of the job; to make lunch/coffee; We made an arrangement/agreement/deal/bargain. maak fazer (s)tvoit; (u)dlat; sjednat machen skabe; lave; gøre , , hacer, construir, fabricar tegema tehdä faire , , initi készít, csinál membuat gera, búa til fare, creare , (pa)daryti, (su)kurti, (pa)ruoti, sudaryti gatavot; taist; radt membuat maken lage, skape, forme tworzy, robi fazer a face (s)tvori: (u)robi; uzavrie narediti praviti göra, tillverka, skapa yapmak ; làm; to ra fer, construir, fabricar

2. to compel, force or cause (a person or thing to do something). They made her do it; He made me laugh. laat obrigar pimt bringen zu få til at , () hacer, obligar (tegema) panema pakottaa faire primoravati, prisiljavati késztet memaksa láta gera, fá til að gera fare (pri)versti likt, piespiest memaksa laten tvinge, få til å zmusi, spowodowa, skoni do obrigar a face (s), a determina ; prinúti pripraviti koga do esa naterati få (förmå) att, tvinga att yaptrmak, mecbur etmek ... , bt buc ...... fer, obligar

3. to cause to be. I made it clear; You've made me very unhappy. maak tornar uinit machen gøre , hacer, poner, volver tegema tehdä joksikin rendre uiniti tesz vkit, vmit vmivé menyebabkan vekja tilteknar tilfinningar hjá e-m, valda, orsaka rendere padaryti []dart menyebabkan maken gjøre uczyni tornar a face () urobi narediti uiniti göra neden/sebep olmak làm nên ... fer, posar, tornar

4. to gain or earn. He makes $100 a week; to make a profit. verdien ganhar vydlat; dosáhnout machen tjene , ganar, hacer teenima ansaita gagner, faire , ostvarivati keres (pénzt) memperoleh þéna guadagnare udirbti, gauti pelnt memperoleh maken tjene, innbringe zarabia, uzyskiwa ganhar a câtiga zarobi; dosiahnu zasluiti zaraivati tjäna, göra [en vinst] kazanmak, kâr etmek kim c guanyar, fer

5. (of numbers etc) to add up to; to amount to. 2 and 2 make(s) 4. is perfazer init, dlat ergeben være; være lig med , ser, equivaler võrduma olla yhteensä faire - ini kitesz (valamennyit) menjadi gera, vera fare () bti, sudaryti veidot, sastdt menjadi maken være, utgjøre by, wynosi perfazer a face ; by znaati davati bli ... etmek, ...-e eit olmak , bng ser, equivaler

6. to become, turn into, or be. He'll make an excellent teacher. uitmaak ser být, stát se sich erweisen als blive; blive til ser, hacer (kellestki) tuleb tulla, olla faire - postati válik belle menjadi verða, vera efni í diventare, essere tapti, bti kt menjadi worden bli by, sta si ser a fi, a deveni ; by, sta sa postati postati bli olmak , tr thành ... ser, fer

7. to estimate as. I make the total 483. skat calcular ocenit (na) schätzen anslå calcular umbes arvama arvioida estimer (à) ostvariti becsül menaksir áætla valutare apskaiiuoti, nustatyti (dyd) lst; uzskatt menaksir schatten anslå ocenia jako calcular a estima , oceni (na) oceniti procenjivati få till, uppskatta till tahmin etmek c lng calcular

8. to appoint, or choose, as. He was made manager. bevorder tot ser nomeado ustanovit machen zu udnævne til; vælge som , nombrar, elegir nimetama nimetä nommer , imenovati kinevez mengangkat gera að nominare paskirti, irinkti iecelt (amat) melantik benoemen gjøre til, utnevne mianowa, wybiera ser nomeado a numi ustanovi imenovati postaviti utnämna (utse) till atamak, tayin etmek , b nhim nomenar, elegir

9. used with many nouns to give a similar meaning to that of the verb from which the noun is formed. He made several attempts (= attempted several times); They made a left turn (= turned left); He made (= offered) a suggestion/proposal; Have you any comments to make? maak fazer uinit machen gøre ( ) hacer tegema tehdä faire (...) , uiniti (általában:) tesz mengajukan gera (. . .) fare (make+=) (pa)daryti veikt, []dart mengajukan doen gjøre, komme med uczyni, robi, wykonywa fazer a face urobi dati göra [en kommentar], komma [med ett förslag], lägga [ett bud] yapmak, bulunmak , s dng vi danh t và mang ngha nh ng t mà nó to thành fer


a (usually manufacturer's) brand. What make is your new car? maak, fabrikaat marca znaka die Marke mærke marca mark valmistaja marque , djelo, tvorevina gyártmány buatan, merek gerð marca () mark, fasonas, modelis fasons; modelis; marka buatan merk merke, fabrikat, modell marka marca marc znaka znamka model märke marka ; hãng sn xut marca

maker noun

a person who makes. a tool-maker; a dressmaker. maker aquele que faz výrobce der Fabrikant -mager; producent; -producent fabricante, creador tegija tekijä fabricant/-ante , izraiva, stvoritelj készít pembuat framleiðandi fabbricante gamintojas, darytojas, dirbjas izgatavotjs pembuat maker -skaper, produsent producent oque faz fabricant výrobca izdelovalec tvorac -makare, tillverkare yapan kimse , ngi ch to fabricant, creador

making noun

the process of producing or forming something. glassmaking; (also adjective) the road-making industry. maak produção výroba; výrobní die Fabrikation; -herstellend fremstilling; -fremstilling fabricación valmistamine valmistus (de) fabrication proizvodnja gyártás pembuatan framleiðsla fabbricazione , gamyba, darymas izgatavoana pembuatan vervaardiging framstilling, laging produkcja, budowa produtora de (de) fabrica­ie/(de) con­­strucie výroba; výrobný izdelovanje stvaranje tillverkning yapma quá trình làm fabricació

make-believe noun

the act or art of pretending and imagining. a world of make-believe; (also adjective) a make-believe world. oëverblindery faz de conta fikce; fiktivní die Heuchelei; Schein-... forestillelse; forestillings- , , , simulación, fingimiento kujutlused, fantaasiad teeskentely semblant; imaginaire , prividnost színlelés kepura-puraan uppgerð, ímyndun finzione; di finzione , vaizduot, sivaizdavimas, sivaizduojamas izlikans; izdoma; fantzija kepura-puraan fantasie fantasi(verden); fantasi- udawanie, udawany constituição fante­zie; imaginar ; fikcia; fiktívny pretveza matanje inbillning, fantasi; låtsas- hayâl, yapmack ey ()() , gi b simulació, fingiment

make-over noun

a (complete) change in a person's appearance made by cosmetic treatment, new hairstyle, new clothes etc. groot verandering transformação pedlání, zmna (vzhledu) die Rundum-erneuerung typeændring; stilændring ( .) transformación ümber tegemine, muutmine kauneushoito changement de look , , - preraevina, promjena átalakulás perubahan penampilan metamorfosi ivaizdos pakeitimas rj tla kardinla prmaia mengubah luaran sama sekali metamorfose bli-ny-opplegg zmiana wygldu zmena, prerobenie (imidu) nova podoba preobraaj förvandling, ny stil (modelini) deitirmek, yenilemek () trang im transformació

makeshift adjective

temporary and usually of poor quality. a makeshift garden shed. tydelike improvisado provizorní der Notbehelf midlertidig , improvisado, provisional ajutine väliaikainen de fortune privremen ideiglenes (tákolmány) sementara bráðabirgða- improvvisato laikinas aizstjjs, pagaidu ldzeklis sementara geïmproviseerd midlertidig, provisorisk, improvisert prowizoryczny provi­zo­riu provizórny zaasen; boren improvizovan provisorisk, tillfällig geçici () ; tm thi improvisat, provisional

make-up noun

1. cosmetics applied to the face etc. She never wears any make-up. grimering : maquiagem líidla das Make-up makeup; sminke maquillaje meik meikki maquillage minka smink kosmetik andlitsfarði trucco veido kosmetika, grimas grims; dekoratv kosmtika alat solek make-up sminke makija kozmetické prostriedky, kozmetická úprava liilo, minka minka makeup, smink makyaj ; trang im maquillatge

2. the set, or combination, of characteristics or ingredients that together form something, eg a personality; composition. Violence is just not part of his make-up. karaktereienskap composição charakter die Veranlagung personlighed; væsen , carácter loomus luonne constitution, caractère ustrojstvo felépítés, összeállítás kepribadian gerð; lunderni carattere; costituzione , charakteris, bdas, prigimtis raksturs, iedaba keperibadian aard sammensetning; karakter, vesen skad, osobowo, charakter ; charakter osebnost karakter sammansättning, natur, läggning yap(l) ; bn cht caràcter

have the makings of

to have the clear ability for becoming. Your son has the makings of an engineer. vermoëns ter as qualidades de schopnosti das Zeug haben zu have evner; anlæg tener madera de (millekski) eeldusi olema -ainesta avoir l'étoffe de potrebita svojstva megvannak az adottságai berbakat vera efni/efniviður í avere la stoffa di ... turti kokius gimtus gabumus dotbas kebolehan menjadi aanleg ha anlegg for/forutsetninger for mie zadatki na ter o estofo de a avea stof de schopnosti biti lovek za imati sposobnost ha goda förutsättningar att bli ... gerekli nitelikleri olmak , t cht ... tenir fusta de

in the making

being made or formed at this very moment. A revolution is in the making. besig om plaas te vind em formação v utváení, ve zrodu im Entstehen i sin vorden en formación sündimas tekeillä en formation u stvaranju készülben van berlangsung í mótun in corso () atsiradimo/formavimosi procese tapanas proces sedang dibuat in voorbereiding tilblivende, som tar form, i sin begynnelse w trakcie/w fazie tworzenia em formação în devenire, în formare / vo vývoji v nastajanju u procesu nastajanja i vardande yaplmakta, olmakta ang hình thành en formació

make a/one's bed

to tidy and straighten the sheets, blankets etc on a bed after it has been used. The children make their own beds every morning. maak jou bed op fazer a cama stlát postel das/sein Bett machen rede seng hacer la cama voodit üles tegema pedata sänky faire le/son lit pospremiti beágyaz membereskan tempat tidur búa um rifare il letto kloti lov []klt gultu mengemas katil opmaken re opp senga cieli óko fazer a cama a-i face patul postla postlati spremiti krevet bädda sängen yatak yapmak dn dp fer el llit

make believe

to pretend (that). The children made believe they were animals. maak of, maak asof () fazer de conta dlat, e vorgeben, daß lade som om hacer ver teesklema uskotella faire semblant (de) pretvarati tettet berpura-pura þykjast fare finta di ... apsimesti, vaizduoti izlikties; iedomties berpura-pura doen alsof late som, leke (at) udawa fazer de conta a se pre­face , () hra sa (na) pretvarjati se pretvarati se låtsas ...-imi gibi görünmek, taslamak , gi v fer veure

make do (with with)

to use something as a poor-quality or temporary alternative to the real thing. There's no meat, so we'll have to make do with potatoes. oor die weg kom met () usar spokojit se sich aushelfen mit klare sig med (), () arreglárselas con läbi ajama tulla toimeen se contenter de nainiti beéri vmivel menggunakan sebagai ganti láta sér nægja accontentarsi di, ripiegare su tenkintis iztikt ar menggunakan sebagai ganti zich behelpen nøye seg/klare seg med zastpi, zadowoli si substituir a se mulumi cu (-.) uspokoji sa zadovoljiti se s im zadovoljiti se få hålla till godo med yetinmek , thay th ... arreglar-les-hi amb

make for

to go towards. We're making for home. is op pad rumar smovat, jít k sich begeben nach styre imod , dirigirse hacia suunduma suunnata se diriger vers - pridonijeti vhová igyekszik menuju taka stefnuna á dirigersi verso ... eiti (ko) link doties uz menuju gaan naar sette kursen mot udawa si w kierunku rumar a se îndrepta spre smerova, ís k odpraviti se uputiti se ge sig av mot ...-e doru gitmek i ... dirigir-se cap a

make it

to be successful. After twenty years, we've finally made it. sukses bereik realizar-se dokázat to es schaffen klare sig godt tener éxito, llegar hasta arriba toime tulema onnistua réussir uspjeti sikerül, elér (pl. vonatot) berhasil takast/heppnast; ná árangri farcela, riuscire kam pasisekti, pavykti gt sekmes; izdoties berjaya succes hebben klare seg godt powie si realizar-se a reui dokáza to uspeti uspeti lyckas baarl olmak thành công tenir èxit, arribar fins a dalt

make it up

1. to become friends again after a quarrel. It's time you two made it up (with each other). weer vriende maak fazer as pazes smíit se sich wieder versöhnen blive gode venner igen reconciliarse ära leppima sopia se réconcilier pomiriti se kibékül berbaikan sættast riconciliarsi susitaikyti izlgt berbaik semula zich verzoenen bli venner igjen pogodzi si fazer as pazes () zmieri sa pobotati se pomiriti se bli sams igen, försonas barmak thân thin reconciliar-se

2. to give compensation or make amends for something. I'm sorry I'll make it up to you somehow. vergoed vir compensar odkodnit es wieder gutmachen kompensere; dække , compensar korvama korvata dédommager odtetiti, nadoknaditi elintézi (a dolgot) mengganti kerugian bæta (upp) ricompensare atlyginti atldzint mengganti kerugian goedmaken gjøre noe godt igjen wynagrodzi compensar odkodni oddoliti se nadoknaditi gottgöra telafi etmek ; n bù compensar

make (something) of (something)

to understand (something) by or from (something). What do you make of all this? om iets van iets te verstaan entender soudit o halten von få ud af , comprender, entender välja lugema olla jotain mieltä jstk comprendre (à) initi od értelmez memahami skilja dedurre ... suprasti, galvoti saprast faham denken skjønne, få noe ut av rozumie (co) entender a înelege myslie si razlagati si razumeti anse om ngt ...... anlam çkarmak, yorumlamak hiu comprendre, entendre

make out

1. to see, hear or understand. He could make out a ship in the distance. uitmaak, sien distinguir rozeznat ausmachen skelne; tyde , distinguir, divisar märkama erottaa discerner , razabrati kivesz melihat greina, eygja scorgere atpainti, atskirti atpazt; tikt skaidrb melihat onderscheiden skjelne, tyde (roz)poznawaC distinguir a zri rozozna razloiti razaznati urskilja, uppfatta, begripa görmek, duymak, anlamak nhn ra distingir, albirar

2. to make it seem that. He made out that he was earning a huge amount of money. dit laat lyk fazer crer pedstírat vorgeben få til at se ud som om , , pretender nägu tegema, teesklema luoda kuva jstk prétendre shvatiti feltüntet mengandaikan láta líta út sem far credere ... sivaizduoti, stengtis sudaryti spd likt noprast; radt iespaidu mengandaikan doen alsof få det til at, framstille som udawa, stara si zrobi wraenie fazer crer a lsa s se îneleag, a pretinde predstiera hliniti uiniti da izgleda låta påskina ...mi gibi göstermek, ileri sürmek , hiu pretendre

3. to write or fill in. The doctor made out a prescription. uitskryf passar napsat, vyhodit ausstellen skrive; udfylde , hacer välja kirjutama kirjoittaa faire , izdati felír menulis skrifa, fylla út compilare irayti izrakstt menulis uitschrijven skrive ut, fylle ut wypisywa passar a scrie ; napísa napisati ispisati skriva ut yazmak vit; in vào fer

4. (slang) to kiss, hug and caress; to neck. They were making out in the back seat. vry ter relações sexuais muchlovat se rummachen gå til den , darse el lote, pegarse el lote (kabistama muhinoida se peloter . voditi ljubav szerelmeskedik, smárol berpeluk-pelukan pomiciare ... glamontis maigoties berpeluk-pelukan kussen kline maca si, dobiera si do kogo , mojka sa, oblizova sa mekati se, ljubimkati ljubiti se hångla ; sevimek () ôm hôn fotre's mà

make over

(American) to change something or turn it into something else. They made over the room as an office; The plastic surgeon made her face over. verander, omskep transformar pedlat umgestalten ændre convertir, transformar muutma muuttaa perusteellisesti transformer , pretvoriti átalakít mengubah sama sekali trasformare, cambiare ... pakeisti, perdirbti prveidot mengubah sama sekali transformeren gjøre/bygge om przerobi prerobi, prestava, renovova predelati preobraziti göra om deitirmek, dönütürmek () thay i convertir, transformar

make up

1. to invent. He made up the whole story. opmaak, uitdink inventar vymyslit si erfinden opdigte; finde på inventar välja mõtlema keksiä inventer upotpuniti kitalál mengarang búa til inventare ( ) igalvoti sadomt mencipta verzinnen dikte opp wymyle inventar a se împca vymyslie si izmisliti si izmisliti hitta på uydurmak sáng tác inventar

2. to compose or be part(s) of. The group was made up of doctors and lawyers. bestaan uit constituir(-se) skládat se bestehen aus bestå af , componer, formar, integrar koostama koostua composer sastaviti áll (vkikbl) terdiri dari setja saman comporre sudaryti veidot (no dam); veidoties terdiri daripada samenstellen utgjøre skada constituir(-se) a despgubi; a se revana sklada sa sestaviti sainjavati bestå av olu(tur)mak ... bao gm ... compondre, formar, integrar

3. to complete. We need one more player will you make up the number(s)? opmaak completar doplnit voll machen udfylde , () completar täiendama täydentää compléter popuniti kiegészít melengkapi fylla upp í completare papildyti papildint melengkapi volledig maken komplettere, gjøre fulltallig dopeni, uzupeni completar a completa doplni dopolniti popuniti fylla ut, komplettera () tamamlamak b khuyt completar

4. to apply cosmetics to (the face). I don't like to see women making up (their faces) in public. grimering aansit maquiar líit se sich schminken sminke sig , maquillar meikima meikata (se) maquiller - minkati kikészít merias farða/mála (sig) truccarsi daytis, grimuotis uzkrsoties; grimties menghias opmaken sminke seg malowa si maquilhar(-se) a (se) machia maova sa naliiti se minkati se lägga makeup, sminka sig makyaj yapmak trang im maquillar

5. to become friends again (after a quarrel etc). They've finally made up (their disagreement). weer vriende maak fazer as pazes smíit se sich wieder versöhnen blive forsonet; gøre det godt igen , , hacer las paces, reconciliarse ära leppima sopia se réconcilier pomiriti se kibékül berbaikan sættast (fare la pace) baigti nesutarimus, susitaikyti izlgt berbaik semula zich verzoenen gjøre det godt igjen, bli venner igjen pogodzi si fazer as pazes a se împca zmieri sa pobotati se pomiriti se bli sams igen, försonas () barmak ging hòa fer les paus, reconciliar-se

make up for

to supply a reward, substitute etc for disappointment, damage, loss (of money or time) etc. Next week we'll try to make up for lost time. daarvoor vergoed compensar nahradit aufholen, wiedergutmachen kompensere compensar hüvitama korvata compenser , nadoknaditi (be)pótol mengganti kerugian bæta (upp), vinna upp recuperare , atlyginti, kompensuoti atldzint; kompenst mengganti kerugian compenseren erstatte, innhente, ta igjen wynagrodzi, nadrobi compensar a compensa ; nahradi nadoknaditi nadoknaditi kompensera, ta igen telâfi etmek ; n bù compensar

make up one's mind

to make a decision. He finally made up his mind about the job. om 'n besluit te neem decidir rozhodnout se sich entscheiden beslutte sig decidirse, tomar una decisión otsust tegema päättää se décider odluiti se elhatározza magát memutuskan ákveða sig decidersi apsisprsti, pasiryti nolemt membuat keputusan besluiten bestemme seg (for) zdecydowa si decidir a se hotrî rozhodnú sa odloiti se odluiti se bestämma sig karar vermek , quyt nh decidir-se, prendre una decisió

make up to

to try to gain the favour or love of by flattery etc. She's always making up to the teacher by bringing him presents. guns probeer wen agradar naklonit si sich anbiedern smigre sig ind; fedte sig ind , halagar pugema imarrella courtiser qqn pribliiti se, udvarati se hízeleg vkinek menjilat, mencari muka smjaðra fyrir (e-m) ingraziarsi gerintis, pataikauti pielabinties; pieglaimoties membodek in de gunst proberen te komen bij smiske, flørte med podlizywa si agradar a cuta s intre în graiile cuiva snai sa nakloni si prilizovati se ulagivati se fjäska för dalkavukluk etmek, gözüne girmeye çalmak ; gây cm tình afalagar

made of is used in speaking of the material from which an object is constructed etc: This table is made of wood/plastic/steel .
made from is used in speaking of the raw material from which something has been produced by a process of manufacture: Paper is made from wood/rags .

make , , , pimt , udlat , vyrobit , znaka lave , mærke , tvang Machart , machen , zwingen , , , fabricación , fabricar , hacer , marca , obligar pakottaa , tehdä , tuotemerkki , valmistaa fabriquer , faire , marque marka , natjerati , stvarati , uiniti fare , fattura , , , , , , () dwingen , maken , model lage , merke , tvinge marka , robi , zmusi , zrobi fazer , marca , obrigar , , , få någon att , göra , märke , , , yapm , yapmak , yaptrmak ch to , khin ai ó , nhãn hiu , to ra , , ,


vi.  hacer; [money] ganar;  [earn] How much do you ___ ? ¿Cuánto gana usted?, ¿cuánto ganas tú?;  to ___ believe fingir;  to ___ fun of burlarse de;  to ___ known declarar;  to ___ mistakes hacer errores; equivocarse;  to ___ no difference no tener importancia;  to ___ sense tener sentido;  to ___ sure asegurarse;  to ___ up [time] recobrar el tiempo perdido;  to ___ up one's mind decidirse.

  • I want to make an outside call. May I have a line? (US)
    I want to make an outside call, can I have a line? (UK) Chci uskutenit externí hovor, mete m spojit? Jeg vil gerne ringe ud, kan jeg få en linje? Ich möchte ein Außengespräch führen, kann ich eine Leitung haben? , ; Quiero llamar al exterior, ¿podría darme línea? Haluan soittaa hotellin ulkopuolelle Je voudrais passer un appel à l'extérieur, donnez-moi la ligne, s'il vous plaît Mogu li dobiti vanjsku liniju? Vorrei fare una telefonata esterna, mi può dare la linea? ? Ik wil een extern gesprek voeren, mag ik een buitenlijn? Jeg vil gjerne ringe, kan jeg få en bylinje? Chc wykona rozmow zewntrzn, prosz mnie przeczy Eu quero fazer uma chamada externa. O senhor pode me dar uma linha? , ? Jag vill ringa ett externt samtal, kan ni koppla mig? ? Dary aramak istiyorum, hat alabilir miyim? Tôi mun gi ra ngoài, cho tôi xin ng dây
  • Could you make a hotel reservation for me? (US)
    Can you book me into a hotel? (UK) Mete m ubytovat v hotelu? Kan De indkvartere mig på et hotel? Können Sie ein Hotel für mich buchen? ; ¿Puede reservarme una habitación en un hotel? Voitteko varata minulle hotellihuoneen? Vous pouvez me réserver une chambre à l'hôtel ? Moete li mi rezervirati hotel? Mi può prenotare un albergo? ? Kunt u een hotelkamer voor me reserveren? Kan du bestille hotell for meg? Czy moe mi Panzarezerwowa miejsce w hotelu? O senhor pode me reservar um hotel? ? Kan ni boka ett hotell åt mig? ? Bana bir otelde yer ayrtabilir misiniz? Bn có th t khách sn giúp tôi c không?
  • I have to make a phone call (US)
    I must make a phone call (UK) Musím si zavolat Jeg skal ringe Ich muss telefonieren Tengo que hacer una llamada Minun täytyy soittaa puhelu Je dois passer un coup de fil Moram telefonirati Devo fare una telefonata Ik moet bellen Jeg må ta en telefon Musz zadzwoni Eu tenho de fazer uma chamada telefônica Jag måste ringa ett telefonsamtal Bir telefon görümesi yapmam gerek Tôi phi gi in thoi
  • Where can I make a phone call? Kde si mohu zavolat? Hvor kan jeg ringe fra? Wo kann ich telefonieren? ; ¿Desde dónde puedo llamar? Mistä voin soittaa puhelun? Où peut-on téléphoner ? Odakle mogu telefonirati? Dove posso fare una telefonata? ? Waar kan ik bellen? Hvor kan jeg ta en telefon? Skd mog zadzwoni? Onde eu posso fazer uma chamada telefônica? ? Var kan jag ringa ett telefonsamtal? ? Nereden telefon edebilirim? Tôi có th gi in thoi âu?
  • Where can I make an international phone call? Kde si mu zavolat do zahranií? Hvor kan jeg ringe til udlandet? Wo kann ich ins Ausland telefonieren? ; ¿Desde dónde puedo llamar al extranjero? Mistä voin soittaa ulkomaanpuhelun? Où peut-on téléphoner à l'étranger ? Odakle mogu obaviti meunarodni telefonski poziv? Dove posso fare una telefonata internazionale? ? Waar kan ik naar een ander land bellen? Hvor kan jeg ringe utenlands? Gdzie mog wykona rozmow midzynarodow? Onde eu posso fazer uma chamada telefônica internacional? ? Var kan jag ringa ett utrikessamtal? ? Nereden uluslararas telefon görümesi yapabilirim? Tôi có th gi in thoi quc t âu?
  • I'd like to make a complaint Chtl bych podat stínost Jeg vil gerne klage Ich möchte mich beschweren Quisiera presentar una reclamación Haluaisin tehdä valituksen Je voudrais faire une réclamation elim se poaliti Vorrei sporgere un reclamo Ik wil graag een klacht indienen Jeg må komme med en klage Chciabymzoy skarg Eu queria fazer uma reclamação Jag skulle vilja göra ett klagomål Bir ikayette bulunmak istiyorum Tôi mun khiu ni
  • Where can I make a complaint? (US)
    Who can I complain to? (UK) Komu si mu stovat? Hvem kan jeg klage til? Bei wem kann ich mich beschweren? ; ¿A quién debo reclamar? Kenelle voin valittaa? Qui est chargé des réclamations ? Kome se mogu poaliti? A chi posso rivolgermi per un reclamo? ? Bij wie kan ik een klacht indienen? Hvem kan jeg klage til? Do kogo mam skierowa skarg? Para quem eu posso reclamar? ? Vem kan jag klaga till? ? Kime ikayet edebilirim? Tôi có th khiu ni vi ai?
  • I'd like to make an appointment Chtl bych se objednat Jeg vil gerne have en tid Ich möchte einen Termin vereinbaren Quisiera que me diera hora Haluaisin varata ajan Je voudrais prendre rendez-vous elim ugovoriti pregled Vorrei fissare un appuntamento Ik wil graag een afspraak maken Jeg vil gjerne ha en time Chciabymumówi si na wizyt Eu queria marcar uma consulta Jag skulle vilja beställa tid Randevu almak istiyorum Tôi mun t hn
  • I'd like to make a reservation for seven-thirty for two people (US)
    I'd like to make a reservation for half past seven for two people (UK) Chtl bych si rezervovat stl na sedm ticet pro dv osoby Jeg vil gerne reservere et bord til to klokken halv otte Ich möchte eine Reservierung für zwei Personen für sieben Uhr dreißig machen Quiero hacer una reserva para las siete y media para dos personas Haluaisin varata pöydän kahdelle puoli kahdeksaksi Je voudrais réserver pour sept heures et demie pour deux personnes elim rezervirati za dvije osobe u devetnaest i trideset Desidero fare una prenotazione per due persone per le sette e mezza Ik wil graag een reservering voor 2 personen maken voor half acht Jeg vil gjerne bestille for to personer til halv åtte Chciabymdokona rezerwacji na siódm trzydzieci dla dwóch osób Eu queria fazer uma reserva para as sete e meia para duas pessoas Jag skulle vilja göra en reservation till klockan halv åtta för två personer Saat yedi buçua iki kiilik bir rezervasyon yaptrmak istiyorum Tôi mun t mt bàn lúc by gi ba mi cho hai ngi

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make fun - definition of make fun by The Free Dictionary
Information about make fun in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. we make fun of ourselves, and are a pretty jolly set, as Jo would say.

make fun of - definition of make fun of by The Free Dictionary
Information about make fun of in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary. 7,112,441,891

Make fun of | Define Make fun of at
Make fun of definition, something that provides mirth or amusement: make for; make free with; make friends; make fun of; make goo-goo eyes; make good; make good time;

make fun of - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
make fun of someone or something. to ridicule someone or something. Are you making fun of me? I am making fun of your hat. See also: fun, make. make fun of somebody

Free Dictionary - make fun - definition of make fun ...
Definition of make fun. What does make fun mean? Meaning of make fun. make fun synonyms, pronunciation, spelling and more from Free Dictionary.

make fun of definition of make fun of in the Free Online ...
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make fun of: definition of make fun of in Oxford ...
Definition of make fun of in British free with make fun of make good make fun of in fun in English Synonyms make fun of in make in English Synonyms

Make fun definition by Babylons free dictionary
make fun v : subject to laughter or ridicule: "the satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house"; "the students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher" [syn

To make fun of - definition of To make fun of - synonyms ...
Definition of To make fun of. What does To make fun of mean? Meaning of To make fun of. To make fun of synonyms, pronunciation, spelling and more from Free Dictionary.

make fun of legal definition of make fun of
Definition of make fun of in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is make fun of? Add definition:

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